- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHC51422 Diploma of Agribusiness Management-65%$4,550.00$13,000.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHC50320 Diploma of Production Horticulture-65%$4,550.00$13,000.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHC60319 Advanced Diploma of Agribusiness Management-65%$3,640.00$10,400.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHC20422 Certificate II in Horticulture-65%$6,825.00$19,500.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHC10222 Certificate I in Agriculture-65%$2,730.00$7,800.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHC10322 Certificate I in Horticulture-65%$2,730.00$7,800.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHC20122 Certificate II in Agriculture-65%$7,280.00$20,800.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHC30722 Certificate III in Horticulture-65%$7,735.00$22,100.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHC31421 Certificate III in Conservation and Ecosystem Management-65%$7,280.00$20,800.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHC30921 Certificate III in Landscape Construction-65%$7,735.00$22,100.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHC32822 Certificate III in Rural Operations-65%$7,280.00$20,800.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHC50422 Diploma of Horticulture Management-65%$4,550.00$13,000.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHC40122 Certificate IV in Agriculture-65%$5,460.00$15,600.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCDRG305 Install drainage system-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCMOM204 Undertake operational maintenance of machinery-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCPCM202 Collect, prepare and preserve plant specimens-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCBIO204 Follow site biosecurity procedures-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCLSK209 Monitor water supplies-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCSOL304 Implement soil improvements for garden and turf areas-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCLSC316 Implement a paving project-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCECR102 Support native seed collection-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCECR309 Conduct an ecological and cultural site inspection prior to works-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCINF201 Carry out basic electric fencing operations-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCMOM310 Operate land-forming machinery and equipment-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCPGD307 Implement a plant establishment program-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCPGD310 Implement a landscape maintenance program-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCLSK330 Implement procedures for calving-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCBAC313 Establish pastures and crops for livestock production-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCLSC317 Construct landscape features using concrete-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCLSC319 Implement a retaining wall project-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCBUS301 Use hand held e-business tools-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCMER502 Develop a sales strategy for rural products-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCWHS502 Manage work health and safety processes-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCBUS613 Manage human resources-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCBUS609 Develop and review an enterprise strategic plan-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCAGB611 Analyse business performance-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCAGB608 Manage financial resources-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCWRK401 Implement and monitor quality assurance procedures-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCPCM507 Diagnose plant health problems-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCCHM405 Plan and implement a chemical use program-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCCHM404 Develop procedures to minimise risks in the use of chemicals-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCBUS408 Operate within a budget framework-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCBIO401 Plan and implement a biosecurity program-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCBUS517 Monitor and review business performance-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHC30116 Certificate III in Agriculture
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHC10120 Certificate I in Conservation and Ecosystem Management-65%$2,730.00$7,800.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCWRK204 Work effectively in the industry-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCWHS101 Work safely-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCPMG301 Control weeds-65%$455.00$1,300.00
- Learning and Assessment Kit-AHCPMG202 Treat plant pests, diseases and disorders-65%$455.00$1,300.00