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Assessment Kit-AHC20320 Certificate II in Production Horticulture

Assessment Kit-AHC20320 Certificate II in Production Horticulture

Regular price $11,250.00
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Tags : AHC, Certificate II, Pre-order, Qualification, Quote
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Our assessment resources contain everything you need to begin assessing your learners.

Our assessment resources include:
  • Assessment Pack (Student)
  • Trainer Assessment Pack (Marking Guide)
  • Mapping for each unit of competency
  • Assessment Record Tools

Our assessment resources have been aligned to learner cohorts, industry needs and ACSF indicated levels. In order to achieve this, we have conducted:
  • Industry consultation
  • Robust validations
  • Assessment of best practice holistic delivery

We provide all documents to you in Microsoft Word format, so you can easily customise them as required. Our assessment resources can be used for an unlimited number of students within your RTO. Don't forget about our QUALITY ASSURANCE GUARANTEE!

Core units
AHCBIO204 Follow site biosecurity procedures
AHCWHS201 Participate in work health and safety processes
AHCWRK204 Work effectively in the industry
AHCWRK205 Participate in workplace communications
Elective units
AHCNSY205 Pot up plants
AHCNSY206 Care for nursery plants
AHCNSY207 Undertake propagation activities
AHCCHM201 Apply chemicals under supervision
AHCMOM203 Operate basic machinery and equipment
AHCPHT214 Support horticultural crop harvesting
AHCPHT215 Plant horticultural crops
AHCPHT218 Carry out post-harvest operations
AHCBIO203 Inspect and clean machinery for plant, animal and soil material
AHCDRG202 Maintain drainage systems
AHCINF203 Maintain properties and structures
* We can develop additional elective units that are not listed on request (Please contact us for further information).

For delivery timeframes on Pre-Order units and qualifications, please contact us at or call us on 1800 266 160.
